Quantitative Asset and Risk Management
Quantitative Asset and Risk Management
Quantitative Asset and Risk Management is a career parallel, English-language degree programme. It qualifies students for a successful career in banking and finance for both the domestic and international labour market.
The main fields of study are asset management, risk management and asset liability management for banks, insurance companies, other financial service providers and regulatory institutions.
The programme is aimed at students with high affinity to (financial) mathematics and statistics. It offers extensive know-how in the area of asset and risk management and is very convincing with its practical applications.
Students have multiple opportunities to gain international experience at one of our partner universities and also gain a double degree. Depending on personal preferences and compatibility with career and private life.
Online info sessions
Would you like to learn more about the Quantitative Asset and Risk Management degree programme and have your individual questions answered? Then register now for our online info sessions! The degree programme team will inform you about application and admission, study contents and career opportunities.
Currently, there are no online info sessions scheduled.
International student virtual Q&A sessions
Your opportunity to ask questions around visa, housing, and living in Vienna.
No registration necessary - just click on the links below and join directly. We look forward to seeing you!
- Currently, there are no online info sessions scheduled.
Graduates are able to
- describe and analyse the connections between asset and risk management in finance
- quantify and assess risk types in risk management, and infer measures for integrated steering of banks and insurance companies
- analyse various asset classes and their products
- carry out portfolio selections, and calculate key performance and risk measures
- apply financial mathematics and statistics to developing financial models
- solve problems together with experts from other disciplines by applying risk management and asset management strategies and methods under consideration of ethical and social responsibilities
- cooperate, as competent experts, in a globalised work environment or in international teams
Career opportunities
- Asset management
- Risk management
- Liability management
- Private banking and family office
- Compliance and regulatory reporting
- Consulting
You can find more information in the current brochure of the degree programme
Einen Blick hineinwerfen:
Brochure Quantitative Asset and Risk ManagementDownloads
Brochure Quantitative Asset and Risk Management Download icon(pdf 2,495 MB)
Curriculum MA ARIMA Quantitative Asset and Risk Management Download icon(pdf 45,853 KB)
Guide Master Application and Admission Download icon(pdf 1,814 MB)
Preparation material MA Quantitative Asset and Risk Management Download icon(pdf 1,442 MB)
Education Contract Master Download icon(pdf 141,746 KB)
General terms and conditions of the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna for payment of a security deposit Download icon(pdf 286,762 KB)

Get to know our degree programme

Programme details

International aspects

Career opportunities
ECTS and course information
Ergebnisse werden geladen
Lehrveranstaltung Equity and Foreign Exchange DerivativesECTS Credits 2.00 ECTS CreditsSprache Englisch SpracheStudienplan BB StudienplanSemester 1 WS Semester
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Lehrveranstaltung Fixed Income and Credit DerivativesECTS Credits 4.00 ECTS CreditsSprache Englisch SpracheStudienplan BB StudienplanSemester 1 WS Semester
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Lehrveranstaltung Fundamentals of EconomicsECTS Credits 3.00 ECTS CreditsSprache Englisch SpracheStudienplan BB StudienplanSemester 1 WS Semester
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Lehrveranstaltung Fundamentals of FinanceECTS Credits 5.00 ECTS CreditsSprache Englisch SpracheStudienplan BB StudienplanSemester 1 WS Semester
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Lehrveranstaltung Fundamentals of Mathematics and StatisticsECTS Credits 4.00 ECTS CreditsSprache Englisch SpracheStudienplan BB StudienplanSemester 1 WS Semester
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Lehrveranstaltung Multivariate MethodsECTS Credits 5.00 ECTS CreditsSprache Englisch SpracheStudienplan BB StudienplanSemester 1 WS Semester
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Lehrveranstaltung Programming and DatabasesECTS Credits 4.00 ECTS CreditsSprache Englisch SpracheStudienplan BB StudienplanSemester 1 WS Semester
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Lehrveranstaltung Time Series AnalysisECTS Credits 3.00 ECTS CreditsSprache Englisch SpracheStudienplan BB StudienplanSemester 1 WS Semester
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Lehrveranstaltung Alternative InvestmentsECTS Credits 2.00 ECTS CreditsSprache Englisch SpracheStudienplan BB StudienplanSemester 2 SS Semester
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Lehrveranstaltung Asset Class Credit ProductsECTS Credits 2.00 ECTS CreditsSprache Englisch SpracheStudienplan BB StudienplanSemester 2 SS Semester
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We thank our sponsor
Our partners
PRMIA accreditation for Quantitative Asset and Risk Management / PRM industry certificate
Alumni of Quantitative Asset and Risk Management will be eligible for exemption from PRM exam I and II (out of four exams): https://www.prmia.org/
Exemption PRMIA exams prerequisites and procedure (PDF, 368.98 KB)
CFA Society Austria
The master programme Quantitative Asset and Risk Management has strong ties to the CFA Society Austria and is submitting every year the best master theses to the CFA Austria Prize.
SAS Joint Certificate
Graduates of the master’s programme in Quantitative Asset and Risk Management (ARIMA) are now awarded the SAS Joint Certificate. ARIMA is the only programme in Austria, and one of only two universities in Germany, Switzerland and Austria (German-speaking countries), offering this qualification. The condition for this was the use of SAS software in the classrooms.
We have a new research partner: FENION.
Fenion specializes in the delivery of high-quality fund data in all common formats. Our long-standing customers include banks, insurance companies, asset managers, as well as trusts and companies in the public sector. In the context of an Innovationsscheck, sponsored by the FFG (Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft), the study program will conduct joint research with Fenion in the field of regulatory reporting for pension funds.

Veronika Hallwirth
Coordination of the study programme
+43 1 720 12 86-931

"ARIMA (Quantitative Risk and Asset Management) is a very intensive master`s programme, which is just the thing for number-crunchers interested in finance, mathematics and statistics. The degree programme offers comprehensive quantitative know-how in asset and risk management, winning you over with practice-oriented applications. Since the studies are quite internationally-oriented, there are numerous possibilities for a successful career in finance and insurance."
Raphael Siegert, MA, graduate