Jean Monnet Chair
Jean Monnet Chair
Jean Monnet is considered one of the founding fathers of the European Union. Chairs named after him are chairs for professors specialising in EU studies.
FH Prof. Dr. Stefanie Wöhl has been researching, publishing and teaching on gender and diversity in the European integration process since 2003. Her current research focuses on the consequences of multiple crises for social cohesion and diversity.
The Jean Monnet Chair “Diversity and Social Cohesion in the European Union” promotes studies, research and activities on European integration from a diversity perspective on social cohesion, thereby mainstreaming gender and diversity as research and teaching foci across the disciplines of political science and economics at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna (UAS). The Chair provides workshops for teacher training and policy makers on the national level to disseminate knowledge on social cohesion, gender and diversity in the EU and engages with the international scientific community through publications and conferences in the field.
The main output of the project is to integrate gender and diversity in EU research and teaching at UAS and to raise awareness for social cohesion to a broader public, teachers, civil society and policy makers.
Public events such as a public lecture series in the winter term 2020, a public round table, a teacher training workshop as a multiplier, and a bilingual open access online special issue publication for researchers, civil society organizations, diversity practitioners, and policy makers will take place in the project lifetime.
Chair: Stefanie Wöhl
Contact: stefanie.woehl@fh-vie.ac.at Tel.: +43-1-7201286-28

Jean Monnet Chair Stefanie Wöhl