
Finding the right place to live, is definitely one of the major concerns of incoming exchange students.

The UAS BFI Vienna does not provide student accommodation, however Vienna is a student-friendly city and there are many different types of accommodation to choose from, like student dormitories, private rented apartments or shared apartments.

Since the UAS BFI Vienna is very well connected to the public transport system, it is possible to stay close to the university or in another district.

Depending on the individual course selection, students might have classes at one or both of our teaching locations:

The main building is situated at:
Wohlmutstrasse 22
1020 Vienna (Underground station: Messe Prater)

The second location is situated at:
Media Quarter Marx (MQM)
Maria Jakobi Gasse 1/3.4
1030 Vienna (Underground station: Schlachthausgasse, Train station: St. Marx)

At MQM the courses of the following study programs take place:

  • Digital HR Management and Applied Labour Law
  • Film, TV and Media Production
  • Interactive Media and Games Business
  • Work Design & HR Management
  • Technical Sales and Distribution Management

Student Dormitories

The OeAD-Housing Office

The OeAD Housing Office offers student dorms in various areas of the city of Vienna. The registration deadline for the winter semester is 15 August, for summer semester 15 January. Please make sure you book in time for the semester.
If you rent a room in a student dormitory of the OeAD the key has to be picked up at their office (Ebendorferstrasse 7, 1010 Vienna). Please take this into consideration when booking your flight. You can also ask your buddy, if he/she can help you.

The “OeAD-Guesthouse MOLKEREISTRASSE” is a modern student guest house just around the corner from the main location of the UAS BFI Vienna. In order to book a room please consult the OeAD-Housing Office.

Private Accomodation