International Business Policy


Students gain hands-on experience in crafting business strategy, reasoning carefully about strategic options, using what-if analysis to evaluate action alternatives, and making sound strategic decisions.Additionally, they will get acquainted with the managerial tasks associated with implementing and executing company strategies, drill them in the range of actions managers can take to promote competent strategy execution, and give them some confidence in being able to function effectively as part of a company’s strategy- implementing team.• What Is Strategy and Why Is It Important?• Charting a Company’s Direction: Vision and Mission, Objectives, and Strategy • Analysing a Company’s External Environment • Evaluating a Company’s Resources, Capabilities, and Competitiveness • Strategies for competitive advantage: Generic Strategies and beyond • Strategies for changing the game • Strategies for International Growth • Corporate Strategy

Art der Vermittlung


Art der Veranstaltung


Empfohlene Fachliteratur

Peteraf et al., Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases, European Edition, 2013, Kapitel 1-8

Lern- und Lehrmethode

Theoretical lectures combined with practical applications in which theories, models and tools will be applied through case studies and discussion sessions.

Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan




International Programme

Akademischer Grad

International Programme

ECTS Credits






Studienjahr, in dem die Lerneinheit angeboten wird


Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird

1 WS



Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung

After having successfully completed this class students are able to conduct strategic analysis in a variety of industries and competitive situations and, especially, based on a good understand of the competitive challenges of a global market environment. They will also be able to think strategically about a company, its present business position, its long-term direction, its resources and competitive capabilities, the caliber of its present strategy, and its opportunities for gaining sustainable competitive advantage.

Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung
