International Banking and Business Models


  • Fundamentals of financial intermediation
  • Basic financial concepts
  • Definition and manifestations of financial intermediaries
  • Functions and duties of financial intermediaries
  • Special features of banking operations
  • Financial contracts with symmetrical and asymmetrical information
  • Banking operations and services
  • Framework conditions for banking business activities
  • Tasks of financial markets
  • ESCB: ECB and NCB
  • Banking supervision
  • International banking systems: Banking structures in Austria, CEE; Western Europe, USA and Japan
  • Valuation of bonds
  • Sensitivity ratios of bonds and bond portfolios
  • Controlling the interest rate risk of a portfolio with derivatives with respect to the current regulatory frameworks.

Art der Vermittlung


Art der Veranstaltung


Empfohlene Fachliteratur

Wernz Johannes (2020): Bank Management and Control: Strategy, Pricing, Capital and Risk Management (Management for Professionals), Springer, 2nd ed.
Handout ”Introduction to the Banking Industry“

Lern- und Lehrmethode

Lecture, self-study elements, blended learning with video tutorials, individual home assignments, discussions on solutions, case analysis, teacher feedback on individual home assignments.


Continuous assessment (30%): quality of the work assignments and tasks completed by the students, written quizzes and written final exam (70%)

Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan




International Banking and Finance (Master)

Akademischer Grad


ECTS Credits






Studienjahr, in dem die Lerneinheit angeboten wird


Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird

1 WS



Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung

After successful completion of the module, the students can

  • illustrate principles of the banking business
  • describe the banking systems in Austria and explain their differences at an international level to banking systems in CEE, Western Europe, USA and Japan in particular.
  • explain the theoretical foundations of the existence and functions of financial intermediaries
  • recall regular banking operations and services as well as special features of banking operations
  • identify and describe the tasks of financial markets, the European Central Bank, the National Central Banks and banking supervisors.
  • list the basic organizational and institutional characteristics of Fixed Income products
  • calculate the international regulatory Fixed Income risk parameters impact on the bank´s P/L.
  • evaluate and estimate relevant risk parameters in the fixed income area

Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung
