BSR as an Economic and Innovation Area


Macro-economic overview; the economic sectors under particular consideration of the energy sector; economic interrelations of the BSR (internal relationships and international exchange), international and particularly Austrian direct investment in the region; Austria's foreign trade with the BSR; economic potential for Austrian businesses in the BSR; economic development perspectives of the EU and particularly Austria in the BSR. Logistics and infrastructure in the BSR; possibilities for promotion and funding in the region. Advantages and disadvantages of the business location BSR for international enterprises. Country profiles from a business's point of view (possibly including guest lectures on this topic):

  • political and economic conditions
  • infrastructure/logistics
  • industries/lines of business
  • investment climate, intercultural aspects
  • specific features of business law
  • market cultivation and market entry support
  • the BSR as an innovation area: education, research and development in the BSR

Art der Vermittlung


Art der Veranstaltung


Empfohlene Fachliteratur

Aiginger, Karl / Ederer, Stefan / Prammer, Jakob / Sieber, Susanne (2010): WIFO-Studie: Österreichs außenwirtschaftliche Beziehungen zur Schwarzmeerregion und deren wirtschaftliche Perspektiven, Wien.
Ban, Ioana (2010): Black Sea Region: A Nascent Security Community? LAP Lambert Acad. Publ., 2010.
Erkut, Gülden/ Mitchell, Stephen (2007):The Black Sea: Past, Present and Future . David Brown Book Co.
Havlik, Peter / Astrov, Vasily / Pöschl, Josef / Hunya, Gabor (2010): WIIW-Studie: Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in der Schwarzmeerregion und Herausforderungen für eine Internationalisierungsoffensive Österreichs, Wien.
Mangott, Gerhard (2008): The Wider Black Sea Region in the 21st Cen-tury: Strategic, Economic and Energy Perspectives.

Lern- und Lehrmethode

Presentation, student participation (group work, student presentation etc.)


continuous assessment

Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan




Logistik und Transportmanagement (Bachelor)

Akademischer Grad


ECTS Credits






Studienjahr, in dem die Lerneinheit angeboten wird


Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird

5 WS



Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung

The successful participants should have detailed knowledge of the economic-geographical and regional-geographical, geopolitical and political framework of the Black Sea Region as well as the economic and political interrelations with the EU, particularly Austria. They will be familiar with the most important political EU strategies regarding the BSR (incl. Danube region strategy). Based on country analyses, they should be able to analyze and evaluate investment conditions especially for international corporations and extrapolate recommendations for investors. The students will have an overview of the structure of the educational infrastructure and scientific landscape and is able to recognize and develop points of contact for future cooperation.

Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung
