Financing and Risk Management in Film, TV and Media Production

Brief description

In this course, students prepare and discuss production calculations for film, TV and media productions under consideration of various financing elements and coproduction requirements.

Mode of delivery

face to face



Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools

Wala, Thomas, et al. (2010):Investitionsrechnung und betriebliche Finanzierung. Wala, Thomas, et al., (2009): Kostenrechnung, Budgetierung und Kostenmanagement.Diederichs, M., Vahlen, F. (2004): Risikomanagement und Risikocontrolling, Vahlen, München.Rimscha, von B., (2010): Risikomanagement in der Entwicklung und Produktion von Spielfilmen, VS, Wiesbaden. Kotler P., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J., Wong, V., (2010): Grundlagen des Marketing, Rearson, München. Huzschenreuter, T., Espel, P., Schneemann, A., (2004): Industrieentwicklung und Marketing-Mixe. Musik- und Filmindustrie. Gabler, Wiesbaden. Knapp, R., Hampel, C. (2008): Filmmarketing: Theorie und deutsche Praxis. VdM, Saarbrücken.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Applied methods including macro and micro levels of teaching. Macro methods are case studies, analyses and debates. Micro methods are keynote lectures, cooperative learning and discussions. Students work in groups or in the plenum. Academic success depends on the presence of the students in the lectures.

Assessment methods and criteria

One grade for both lecture and tutorial part of class. In total 70 points for final written exam. The tutorial part is worth 30 points (continuous assessment). In total 100 points are to be obtained.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Module "Business Management I"


Degree programme

Film-, TV-, & Media Production (Bachelor)



ECTS Credits


Language of instruction




Academic year



3 WS



Learning outcome

After the successful completion of this course the students will be able to apply specific calculation methods and forms of financing with regard to film or TV productions as well as detailed calculations in the context of international coproductions. Graduates of this course will thus be able to consolidate and broaden their basic knowledge of calculation and financing and correlations between cost and financing requirements.

Course code
