Equipment and Resources on the Film Set

Brief description

The course describes and analyzes set-specific tools of film and TV productions ("special effects" or "SFX"). It outlines their historical development as well as the modern operation and use of artificial weather effects, pyrotechnics, weapons technology, prop technology as well as effects related to costume design and make-up. The second part of the course distinguishes special effects from "visual effects" ("VFX"), which due to sophisticated technical platforms – continually encroach on the area of classical effects. Apart from feasibility, the main focus of both parts of this course is the question of investment regarding personnel, technology and cost.

Mode of delivery

face to face



Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools

Okun, J., Zwerman, S. (2010): The VES Handbook of Visual Effects: Industry Standard VFX Practices and Procedures, VES, Oxford.
Dummler, J. (2010): Das montierte Bild: Digitales Compositing für Film und Fernsehen, UVK, Konstanz.
Brinkmann, R. (2008): The Art and Science of Digital Compositing: Techniques for Visual Effects, Animation and Motion Graphics, 2nd revised edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, Burlington.
Artis, A. (2008), The shutup and shoot, Focal press, Burlington.
Giesen, R., Mulack, T. (2003), Special Visual Effects: Planung und Produktion, Uvk, Konstanz.
Fachzeitschriften: FKT-Fachzeitschrift für Fernsehen Film und elektronische Medien, Film & TV Kameramann, Digital Production, Digital Video, Montage/av

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Applied methods including macro and micro levels of teaching. Macro methods are case studies and analyses from the media sector. Micro methods are practice-oriented tasks and discussions. Excursion for demonstration purposes.

Assessment methods and criteria

regular attendance and active participation necessary for successful completion of class

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Module " Film and Media Techniques 1"


Degree programme

Film-, TV-, & Media Production (Bachelor)



ECTS Credits


Language of instruction




Academic year



3 WS



Learning outcome

Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage,

  • die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Special Effects in Filmproduktionen zu analysieren
  • sie von VFX-Anwendungen abzugrenzen
  • Kosten und Aufwand solcher Anwendungen zu bestimmen
  • den Einsatz von Requisiten, Maske und Kostümen in ihrer Wertigkeit, in ihrem Aufwand und den Kosten zu planen und an der Schnittstelle zu den dortigen ExpertInnen zu arbeiten.

Course code
