FAQ Admission Procedure Bachelor Programmes

When does the admission test take place?

  • The admission test takes place for all degree programmes in the summer semester, from March to June. Once your application documents have been fully reviewed, you can select one of the proposed dates for your individual admission test via the application portal. You will be informed by e-mail as soon as the dates are activated for you

How can I prepare for the admission test?

  • For optimal preparation, we will provide you with a preparation guide for the admission test on our website from around the end of January. It covers general business administration, mathematics as well as programme-specific topics. In German (text comprehension) and English knowledge at the required language level is assumed and tested. No additional preparation materials are needed. A course from external providers is not necessary!

Do I need a calculator for the admission test?

  • For the mathematics admission test and the programme-specific topics of the bachelor degree programmes Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft and Banking and Finance, you are allowed to use the calculator which is integrated in the exam tool, as well as a pen and some paper for taking notes. You can familiarise yourself in advance with the functionality of this calculator by taking the trial test. As soon as you have received the access data for the admission test, you will also have access to the trial test. Please make use of this possibility and note that external aids (own calculators etc.) are not permitted and will result in exclusion from the admission process.

When will I be notified whether I have a place on the degree programme?

  • We inform our best applicants at an early stage that we would like to offer them a place on the degree programme (early May or early June). Even if you do not receive a study place confirmation, you still have a chance to study at UAS BFI Vienna: The final ranking will be made at the end of June/beginning of July and all applicants will be informed by e-mail about their admission or a place on the waiting list at the latest.

I won't take my secondary school leaving exam until autumn. Can I still apply?

  • You must have completed your secondary school leaving exam before the start of your studies. Admission to career-parallel study programmes with secondary school leaving exam dates in autumn are not possible. If you have applied for a full-time programme, you must still pass the secondary school leaving exam in September. Applicants with an exam date in October can unfortunately not be considered.

Can I apply for two or more degree programmes?

  • Yes, this is possible. In addition to the general bachelor admission test – which is only taken once - there are also programme-specific test parts.
  • Once you know to which programme(s) you have been admitted we request that you inform us as soon as possible of your choice of degree programme.