Green mobility grant

When we work on finding solutions to global problems, we cannot simply ignore the climate-damaging effects of mobility. At the same time, international networking and intercultural exchange are and remain essential for the competence development of students at universities. The challenge of reconciling both issues gave birth to the idea of raising awareness and motivation for the use of climate-friendly means of transport.

To this end, the UAS BFI Vienna and Erasmus+ promote climate-conscious travel. Students who travel to their destination abroad using a sustainable means of transport can receive a grant of up to 100.- EUR.

The green mobility grant consists of two parts: the Erasmus+ green mobility grant and the FH green mobility grant.

Preconditions and criteria:

To meet the requirements for the green mobility grant you must be nominated for a semester, traineeship, blended mobility or intensive programme, or an international week abroad.

Erasmus+ green mobility grant

  • you are an Erasmus+ grant receiver
  • at least 50% of the distance to your destination must be covered by a sustainable means of transport
  • you will receive a grant of 50 € after you hand in the tickets for sustainable means of transport together with your confirmation of arrival

UAS green mobility grant

  • if the entire journey to and from your destination was made by a sustainable means of transport, the UAS BFI Vienna doubles the green mobility grant
  • you will receive an additional grant of 50 € after you hand in the tickets for the sustainable means of transport together with your confirmation of attendance
  • if you do not receive an Erasmus+ grant but you travel to and from your destination with a sustainable means of transport, you can receive 100 € green mobility grant form the UAS BFI Vienna

Make sure to take pictures of your journey and hand them in at one of our photo competitions. They can also motivate other students to travel sustainably, if you include them in your semester abroad or traineeship report.


If you have further questions about the green mobility grants connected to an exchange semester or traineeship, please contact:

Claus Inanger

Erasmus+ Coordinator, Outgoing Student Mobility Coordinator, Agreements Coordinator, ECTS Coordinator

+43 1 720 12 86-222

For further questions regarding the green mobility grants connected to Blended Intensive Programmes and International Weeks, please contact:

Redtenbacher, Claudia

International coordinator  | Staff mobility | International weeks

+43 1 720 12 86-280

Promoted by:

The internationalisation activities are funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.