Double Degree

Application deadlines

  • Application deadline for semester abroad in the winter semester: 1st of April
  • Application deadline for semester abroad in the summer semester: 1st of October

As a student of certain degree programmes at the UAS BFI Vienna you can participate in a double degree programme and thus increase your international professional opportunities.

In a double degree programme, you complete part of your studies (depending on the programme one or two semesters) at a double degree partner university and thus attend a joint programme and receive two diplomas:[1]

  • your UAS BFI Vienna diploma and
  • the diploma from the partner university.

Accreditation of your studies done abroad is contractually agreed and guaranteed.

The application is done online via the application portal: Mobility Online and has to be completed before the deadline by submitting

  • your application form
  • letter of motivation (one page in English)
  • If the DD programme is undertaken at one of our Erasmus+ partner institutions, you also receive an Erasmus+ grant.

[1] We would like to point out that a double degree as defined by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research (see Joint Degree Recommendation 2019, or Information Österreichische Akademische Grade mehrfache Verleihung) is a joint study programme (as defined by the Federal Ministry) and you might therefore not qualify to register two different titles in Austria. However, depending on the context, you can decide which title you want to use.

The following double degrees are offered:

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Banking and Finance


BCIT-British Columbia Institut of Technology

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Production Management for Film, Television and Streaming


Hochschule Furtwangen

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Logistics and Transport Management


Karel de Grote University College

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Project Management and Information Technology


Hochschule Furtwangen

Master programmes

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Digital HR Management and Applied Labour Law


HTW Berlin

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Quantitative Asset and Risk Management


Karol Adamiecki University of Economics

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Quantitative Asset and Risk Management


University of Bologna

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The international activities have been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.