Spanish 6

Brief description

Exemplary for B1/B1+ Spanish
Communicative focus

  • Current issues in business and politics in Spanish-speaking countries; types of companies.
  • Advertising; stories of entrepreneurs and companies; presentation of a company and its products.
Language focus
Repetition of the imperative and the past; future I; present subjunctive with the verb querer, and with expressions and es importante que ...

Mode of delivery

face to face



Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools

  • Martín Peris, E. and N. Sans Baulenas (2014), Gente hoy 2 (Einheiten 5 and 6), Kurs- and Übungsbuch, Difusión Verlag.
  • Dorado Debeza, M.D., Márquez Sánchez, C.D., Ramos Gómez, E., Uclés Sánchez, F.J. (2020), Gente hoy 2 complemento de español profesional (Unit 2), Difusión Verlag.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Individual work, group work; blended learning (Open Educational Resources in Moodle, online exercises, online quizzes, etc.); creation of videos.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation & performance 30%, oral part 20% (oral production and interaction 10 points, listening comprehension 10 points), written part 50% (reading comprehension 25 points, written production and interaction 25 points).
For more details, see the curriculum matrix for elective languages.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Successful completion of semester 5


Degree programme

European Economy & Business Management (Bachelor)



ECTS Credits


Language of instruction




Academic year



6 SS



Learning outcome

Exemplary for B1/B1+ Spanish
Students can:

  • participate in a trade fair with their own company and present it (type of company, organisation chart, history);
  • present, describe and advertise their products.
Furthermore, they can show an intercultural competency when they follow the necessary etiquette at a trade fair (by introducing themselves and presenting their enterprises, by carrying out small talk, by exchanging information about the host country, …).
In addition, they are informed about the international organisations (UE, UN, NATO, Mercosur) the host Spanish-speaking countries belong to.

Course code
